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Who We've Helped

Hurricane Sandy Cat Rescuers report from WA2S Volunteer Emergency Disaster Response Team V.E.D.R.T.

Hi Lena, James, it was around this time of year 9 years ago,that you asked us if we would take this nothing but ribs and bone street dog and give it a home. We said yes reluctantly, and are we ever glad we did. She (Lacy) is the greatest dog we ever had, and we love her and even dog hatters love her. As you can see she's no longer skin and bones as well as a very big part of our family. We always tell everyone not to buy a dog or cat and to talk to you first. Thanks again and we will get our next pet from you and James. Oh yea a big lick and thank you from Lacy too

Thank you so much to James, Lena, Keno's Animal Rescue, and Brooklyn Vet Group for our sweet Brooklyn. We are so blessed to have her and we love her so much❤❤ God bless you for all that you do.

 In July 2015 I have found a young kitten to whom you have named Firecracker..She was under a lot of stress from her horror she expienced..You have taken her in. numerous test and timeless hours giving her love and care that was needed..James sends me videos of her..her disability is visible but thriving in her surroundings.. Without you guys giving her a chance to thrive she would have been put down only because she would be unadoptable..Thank you guys so much..look forward to see more pics and video..
Deborah Feliciano

Patricia Fiumano Cuniglio‎ to Keno's Animal Sanctuary

January 8 · 

It's been a little over a year since you found me a family of my own. As you can see I've learned what toys are and how to play, I have a brother and sister, I have a pool, sleep on a pillow in a bed, had my very own birthday party with cake, and stay with mom on her desk when she works, even my very own clothes! Thank you for all you did for me, and making me so happy!

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